Friday, January 28, 2011

Cinch Success

I thought I would post this video about the Shaklee Cinch program for you to view and share with your friends after explaining the program in my previous Mission Wholeness Newsletter post.
  • How is your health?
  • What are your goals?
  • What have you tried in the past and what was your experience?
  • What are your eating and exercise habits?
  • How serious are you about losing weight?
When it gets down to a weight lose journey its about getting motivated and staying motivated. Shaklee Cinch takes the guess work out of eating so you have more time to spend on staying focused. Cinch promotes a healthy life style to help you learn good eating and exercise habits so that you can reach your weight goal and maintain it the rest of your life.

Here's a Testimony on the Cinch Program:

"Approximately 4 years ago, just before Shaklee’s Cinch was launched, I was very unhappy with my weight. Feeling like I would never loose the 15 pounds that had “attached” itself to my body in the “middle-age syndrome”, as I call it. That’s when the weight slowly, but continually climbs and seems more stubborn than ever before. Oh yes, in addition to that, much of it finds a home around the midriff and derrière. “Losing your youthful figure is normal in the 40-50’s. Just accept it”, my friends would say. That was not so much of the issue with me as was how I felt and how my clothes no longer fit. I kept my usual intermittent exercise routine, kept lowering my calories and got no results EXCEPT more weight. Honestly, for about thirty years, I had fought unsuccessfully against a persistent 20-30 pounds.

When Cinch was introduced, I was determined to give it my best shot, believing in my heart it would not work, and if I did loose the weight, it would come right back on just like always before. WOW, how wrong I was and how glad I am that I committed to the Cinch Program! The rest of the story goes like this: In the first 6 weeks, I lost the initial 15#. That was my desire after which I went on maintenance for approximately 6 months. BUT summer was approaching and I liked the idea of “comfortably” wearing summer clothing that I had not been in for YEARS. So I went back on the Cinch Plan. Lo and behold, I dropped another 10# in about 6 weeks. Summer was good. Feeling healthy & strong. BUT my wedding anniversary was approaching. Sooooo, I got the idea that it might be cool to weigh what I did in high school when my husband, John and I started dating. Don’t get the wrong idea. I was not a ‘skinny Minnie’ in high school. But I was at a good weight for my height and to me, it look like a good place to be again. So, back on the Cinch Inch Loss plan I went. Yes, it worked again. I took off 12 more pounds. Making the total 37# GONE!!!! That made my weight at our 40th class reunion the same as at my high school graduation weight. Oh, I forgot to mention, the “trunk fat” (that is so annoying to me AND dangerous for the body organs), it “inched” away. (Very appropriate name---The Shaklee Cinch Inch Loss Plan.) Total result-37 pounds and 14 inches. Wait, there is more! That was over 2 years ago and it is still GONE! Now wearing my daughter’s Chic jeans"

-Brenda K McCumons

To find out more about this program please fill out the form at the top right corner of this page :) Happy Cinching!

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