Saturday, January 29, 2011

Human Life

I was on facebook today and came across a link about a commercial that has been being advertised during MTV's Teen Mom. The article below states that the commercial has a Pro-Life agenda, and when the hotline that is displayed in the commercial is called that "scary misinformation about the morning-after pill and abortion" is given.

Now I am not sure how credible the "misinformation" part is, and I'm certainly not for lying but the fact that anyone is standing up to say that abortion is wrong is amazing. They deserve a hand clap from us all. In addition the fact that the commercial made it to MTV is also amazing.

The person that posted this link that I found had posted that MTV needed to pull these ads. I was very disheartened to see this, as this person has two children of their own having witnessed the miracle of life themselves. My mind just has a hard time wrapping around Mothers and Fathers being pro-choice. My heart just hurts when I think about it.

After praying about it I responded to the post the best way I could along with the following pro-life video:

Standing up for what you believe in is not easy, especially when it is a topic that has become so controversial. I think it is important to not attack the opposite side, on the contrary present them with the facts, paint them a picture that they will never forget. Let God lead you.

When faced with this link I was forced to look at what I believe.

What is the value of a human life? And when does a human life begin to form?

Facts and science will tell you the moment a sperm fertilizes an egg cell division begins and within one hour DNA begins to form. It is determined during this time the sex of the baby as well as all the traits they will have.

All I can say is we have a magnificent creator and he can change hearts!

Be encouraged :)

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